Zoning Hearing Board Appeal Process
In the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania the Zoning Hearing Board has jurisdiction to hear and decide on a number of issues dealing with land use and zoning ordinances.
In Palmer Township the Zoning Hearing Board generally holds hearings that deal with the following:
Applications for a variance to some part of the zoning ordinance. For example, there are specific regulations on setbacks from a property line to the side of a house. If a builder or land owner can not meet that setback then he would have to ask for a variance from the Zoning Hearing Board.
Applications for a special exception as required by the zoning ordinance. In the ordinance there are various uses for different densities of residential use, commercial use, business use, etc. In those various land use sections there are specific uses such as permitted (which does not require a hearing before any board or commission) and special exceptions (which does require a hearing before the Zoning Hearing Board).
Appeals from the determination of the Zoning Officer, including, but not limited to the following
If you have an appeal that falls into one of the categories above then the process to follow would be:
Once the hearing testimony is closed the Zoning Hearing Board has 45 days to render a decision. If the applicant wishes to appeal the decision of the Zoning Hearing Board there is a 30 day appeal period from the date of the decision letter.
In cases requiring transcription of notes of testimony, copies of notes will not be released unless applicant pays all costs associated there-with over and above the appeal fees set forth above. The Zoning Officer may require deposits of up to $1,000 to secure payment of such cost of notes of testimony in protracted cases likely to involve appeal.