Palmer Township Stormwater Authority (PTSA)

Palmer Township Stormwater Authority The Palmer Township Stormwater Authority (PTSA) was incorporated under the provisions of the Pennsylvania Municipalities Authorities Act (Act) of 1945, and pursuant to an Ordinance of the Palmer Township Board of Supervisors, is empowered to exercise any and all powers conferred under the provisions of the Act. The PTSA was incorporated in September of 2023 and is responsible for governing the administration, management, and operation of the stormwater system, as well as billing and collection efforts for the stormwater system.

The PTSA was incorporated following months of public involvement focused on ways to improve the Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) program. The MS4 program is an unfunded federal and state mandate passed on to municipalities across the country that aims to regulate stormwater quality and quantity.

The PTSA currently leases approximately 105 miles of storm sewer pipes and over 2,500 stormwater structures including inlets, outlets, swales, detention basins, and other stormwater conveyance structures. The PTSA stormwater utility fee will provide the funds needed to remain in compliance with the MS4 program, update aging infrastructure, and hire and train staff to keep up with maintenance of the storm sewer system.

The relationship between the PTSA and Palmer Township is mutually beneficial, in which stormwater infrastructure improvements, extensions, and MS4 program projects are made by the PTSA, while the day-to-day operations and maintenance responsibilities is that of the Township.

The PTSA five (5) member board is appointed by the Palmer Township Board of Supervisors to five (5) year staggered terms. New members will be appointed by the Palmer Township Board of Supervisors every year.

PTSA Meeting Dates: Third Wednesday of each month 5:00PM, Municipal Meeting Room, 3 Weller Place, Palmer PA 18045 For questions regarding the MS4 program, please visit the MS4 program department page.

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